Emeritus Professor of Theology & Philosophy
Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary.
Office: Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI 4104
Home: 8796 E. Bluffview Drive Berrien Springs, MI 49103
Phone: (269) 471-4394
Date of Birth: 9/15/45
Place of Birth: Argentina
Citizenship: USA
Marital Status: Married
Children: 2
GraNd Children: 5
Degree University
Licenciado en Filosofía Santa Fe Catholic University (Argentina) (1985)
Ph.D. in Religion Andrews University (1983)
M. Div. Equivalency Andrews University (1979)
Professor en Filosofía y Pedagogía River Plate College (Argentina) (1970)
Licenciado en Teología River Plate College (Argentina) (1966)
Position/Function Employer Dates
Emeritus Professor Andrews University 9/13- to date
Professor Andrews University 6/94 - 9/13
Asst Professor Andrews University 9/85 - 6/94
Professor River Plate Adventist College 6/83 - 8/85
Assoc Professor River Plate Adventist College 1/74 - 2/78
Instructor River Plate Adventist College 3/66 - 12/70
Position/Function Employer Dates
Pastor Central Argentine Conference 3/76 - 3/78
Pastor Uruguay Conference 3/72 - 12/73
Intern Uruguay Conference 1/71 - 2/71
Secular Adventism? Exploring the link between Lifestyle and Salvation. Lima: Universidad Peruana Unión, 2013.
Adventismo Secular? Cómo entender la relación entre estilo de vida y salvación. Lima: Universidad Peruana Unión, 2012.
O Princípio Cognitvo da Teologia Cristã: Um estudo hermenêutico sobre Revelação e Inspiração. Translated by Nuemar de Lima. São Paulo, Brazil: Unaspress, 2011.
Creación, Evolución y Teología: Una Introducción a Los Métodos Científico y Teológico. Translated by Claudia Blath. Libertador San Martín: Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, 2009.
Creation, Evolution and Theology; an Introduction to the Scientific and Theological Method. Libertador San Martín: Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, 2009.
Creation, Evolution, and Theology: The Role of Method in Theological Accommodation (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Lithotech, 2005).
Basic Elements of Christian Theology: Scripture Replacing Tradition (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Lithotech, 2005).
The Cognitive Principle of Christian Theology: A Hermeneutical Study of the Revelation and Inspiration of Scripture (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Lithotech, 2005).
Back to Revelation, Inspiration: Searching for the Cognitive Foundations of Christian Theology in a Postmodern World, (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2001).
A Criticism of Theological Reason: Time and Timelessness as Primordial Presuppositions, (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1987).
“The Mission and Message of the Remnant: A Methodological Approach.” In Message Mission and Unity of the Church, edited by Ángel Manuel Rordiguez (Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, 2013).
“A Biblical Epistemology for Adventist Scholarship?" In Christ in the Classroom, edited by Humberto Rasi. Silver Spring, MD: The Foundation for Adventist Education and The Institute for Christian Teaching of the Education Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2009.
“La doctrina de Dios.” In Teología: Fundamentos Bíblicos De Nuestra Fé, edited by Raoul Dederen. Translated by Tulio M. Peverini. Miami, FL: Asociación Publicadora Interamericana, 2005: 41-144 (not previously reported ).
“Revelation and Inspiration,” in Understanding Scripture: An Adventist Approach, edited by George W. Reid (Silver Spring, MD, 2005), 47-74.
"Hermenéutica, teología y remanente," in Pensar la iglesia hoy: Hacia una eclesiología adventista. Estudios teológicos presentados durante el IV Simposio Bííblico-Teológico Sudamericano en honor a Raoul Dederen (ed. Gerald A. Klingbeil, Martin G. Klingbeil and Miguel Angel Núñez; Libertador San Martín, Argentina: Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, 2002), 167-176.
“Doctrine of God,” in Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist Theology, ed. Raoul Dederen (Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 2000), 105-159.
“Hacia el fundamento teológico de la misión Cristiana,” in Misión de la Iglesia Adventista, by Werner Vyhmeister (Villa Libertador San Martin, Argentina: Editorial C.A.P., 1980): 182-210.
“The Emerging Church—Part 4: Levels of Change.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 23 no 2 (2013): 161-189.
“Principios de adoración y liturgia,” Evangelio, vol. 6 (2013): 21-45.
“De la visión al sistema: Terminando la tarea de la teología Adventista, Parte 1: Resumen histórico.” Theologika, vol 28, no 1 (2013): 48-119.
“Sola Scriptura and Hermeneutics: Toward a Critical Assessment of the Methodological Ground of the Protestant Reformation.” Andrews University Seminary Studies, vol 50, no. 2 (2012): 179-205
“Sola Scriptura y la Hermenéutica: ¿Son la Teología Evangélica y la Adventista Compatibles?” DavarLogos X, no. 1 (October 2011): 107-139.
“On Being the Emerging Remnant: The Claim.” Adventus no 21 (2011): 66-75.
“The Emerging Church—Part 3: Evangelical Evaluations.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 23 no 1 (2012): 44-73.
“The Eclipse of Scripture and the Protestantization of the Adventist Mind—Part 2: From the Evangelical Gospel to Culture.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 22, no. 1 (2011).
“The Emerging Church—Part 2: Epistemology, Theology, and Ministry.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 22 no 2 (2011): 67-105
“The Emerging Church—Part 1: Historical Background.”Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 22, no. 1 (2011).
“Epistemología Bíblica para la Investigación Adventista? Una Propuesta de Trabajo.” Apuntes Universitarios 1, no. 1 (2011): 119-141.
“Estilo de Vida y Salvación.” Theologika 26, no. 2 (2011): 200-249.
“¿Por Qué los Adventistas del Séptimo Día Están Adoptando los Estilos de Vida Seculares?” Theologika 26, no. 1 (2011): 84-136.
“Principles of Worship and Liturgy.” Perspective Digest 16, no. 1 (2011).
“The Eclipse of Scripture and the Protestantization of the Adventist Mind—Part I.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 21, nos. 1 & 2 (2010).
“Principles of Worship and Liturgy.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, vol. 20, nos. 1 & 2 (2009): 89-112.
“On the Future of Adventism: Reason or Debate,” Andrews University Seminary Studies, 46, no 2 (2008): 215-227.
“The Revelation and Inspiration of Scripture in Adventist Theology Part 1,” Andrews University Seminary Studies, 45 no 2 (2007): 195-219.
“Completando la Teología Adventista: El Proyecto Teológico Adventista y su Impacto en la Iglesia,” DavarLogos, 6 no 2 (2007): 127-141.
“Completando la Teología Adventista I: La Tarea Teológica en la Vida de la Iglesia Parte I” DavarLogos, 6 no. 1 (2007): 55-68.
“Absolute Theological Truth in Postmodern Times,” Andrews University Seminary Studies, 45 no.1 (2007): 87-100.
“From Vision to System: Finishing the Task of Adventist Theology Part III Sanctuary and Hermeneutics,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 17, no 2 (2006): 36-80.
“Deconstructing Evangelical Theology?” Andrews University Seminary Studies 44 no. 1 (2006): 95-130.
“From Vision to System: Finishing the Task of Adventist Biblical and Systematic Theologies–Part II,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 16, no 1-2 (2005): 114-142.
“The Quest for the Biblical Ontological Ground of Christian Theology,” Journal of The Adventist Theological Society 16, no 1-2 (2005): 1-20.
“Adventist Theology and Deep Time/Evolutionary Theory: Are they Compatible?,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 15, no. 2 (2005): 93-103.
“From Vision to System: Finishing the Task of Adventist Theology Part I: Historical Review” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 15, no. 2 (2005): 5-39.
"Evangelical Theology and Open Theism: Toward a Biblical Understanding of the Macro Hermeneutical Principles of Theology?” Enfoques XVI (1):47-70. Peer reviewed and reprinted by permission of JATS.
“Evolution, Theology and Method, Part 3: Evolution and Adventist Theology.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 42, no. 1 (2004):5-48.
“Evolution, Theology, and Method Part 2: Scientific Method and Evolution,” Andrews University Seminary Studies 41, no. 2 (2003): 65-100.
“Evolution, Theology, and Method Part 1: Outline and Limits of Scientific Methodology,” Andrews University Seminary Studies 41, no. 1 (2003): 65-100.
“Escatología, teología y el destino del adventismo,” Perspectivas Teológicas 2, no. 1 (2002), 76-90.
“Deconstrucción y Teología: Una Propuesta Metodológica,” DavarLogos 1, no 1 (2002), 3-26.
“Theological Worldview and its impact on the SDA Church,” Issues in Theology and Spiritual Leadership 3 (2001): 41-65.
“Is There Room for Systematics in Adventist Theology,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 12, no. 2 (Fall 2001), 110-131.
“Evangelical Theology and Open Theism: Toward a Biblical Understanding of the Macro Hermeneutical Principles of Theology,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 12, no 2 (Fall 2001), 16-34.
“Interpretando ideas expresadas en textos: El método filosófico de investigación en las ciencias humanas,” Enfoques 12, no. 2 (2000): 83-114.
“Interdisciplinary Method in Christian Theology? In Search of a Working Proposal.” Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 43, no.4 (Fall 2001), 366-389.
“La cosmovisión teológica y su influencia sobre la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día,” Enfoques XI, 1-2 (1999): 101-122.
“Método filosófico de Investigación: descripción y principios,” Logos 10, April (1999): 18-31.
“Paradigm, System and Theological Pluralism,” Evangelical Quarterly 70, no. 3 (1998): 195-218.
“Philosophical Foundations and the Biblical Sanctuary,” Andrews University Seminary Studies 36, no. 2 (1998): 183-206.
“Revelation and Inspiration: The Historical Cognitive Model.” Andrews University Seminary Studies. 33 (Spring 1995): 5-38.
“Revelation and Inspiration: The Liberal Model.” Andrews University Seminary Studies. 32 (Autumn 1994): 169-195.
“Revelation and Inspiration: The Classical Model.” Andrews University Seminary Studies. 32 (Spring-Summer 1994): 7-28.
“Revelation and Inspiration: Method for a New Approach.” Andrews University Seminary Studies. 31 (Autumn 1993): 171-194.
“Revelation and Inspiration: The Ground for a New Approach.” Andrews University Seminary Studies. 31 (Summer 1993): 91-104.
“Secularización e Historia de la Cristiandad.” (“Secularization and the History of Christianity.”) Enfoques. 5 (1993): 11-18.
“End Time and Salvation,” Perspective Digest 18, no 3 (2013).
“¿Cómo y cuándo ocurriá el regreso de Jesús? El Centinela, (Junio 2013): 18-20.
“Seguridad de la salvación y ministerio,” in Con afán de servir: Reflexiones de líderes para líderes, ed. by Miguel Ángel Nuñez (Lima, Universidad Peruana Unión, 2011).
“The Emerging Church.” Perspective Digest 17, no. 2 (2012).
“Una Fede Dinamica.” Il Messaggero Avventista, (June 2012): 21-23
“¿Quién era Cristo?” El Centinela, Abril 2012, 22-24.
“Principios de Adoración.” Revista SAIT 1, no. 1 (October 2011): 1-19.
“Apocalipsis: Terremotos, maremotos, guerras, crisis . . . ¿Será que se acerca el fin?” El Centinela, August 2011, 22-24.
“Die neue Ӧkumene: Wesen, Wurzeln und Ziele der‚ Emerging Church‘-Bewegung.” BWgung, January/February 2011, 7-11.
“The Emerging Church: A Report to the Remnant.” Adventist Pastor Online, August 2010.
“The Emerging Church: What Does it Mean? And Why Should We Care?” Adventist Review, June 10, 2010, 16-19.
“Eschatology and Salvation.” Adventist Pastor Online, January 2010.
“Is Adventist Theology Compatible with Evolutionary Theory?” Adventists Affirm, vol. 24, no. 1 (2010): 33-39.
“Las Raices de la Violencia.” El Centinela, September 2010, 5-6.
“Salvação por inteiro” Ministério (November-December, 2009), 17-20.
“Holiness and Ministry” Ministry (May, 2009), 12-14.
“Avaricia.” El Centinela (January 2009).
“Holiness and Ministry” The Adventist Pastor On Line (August, 2008).
“Babylon: Yesterday and Today” Signs of the Times (June 2006), 22-25.
“Babilonia: Ayer y Hoy” El Centinela (Junio 2006), 10-13.
“Is Adventist Theology Compatible with Evolutionary Theory: Can Adventism harmonize biblical creation to deep time evolution without changing its essence?” Perspective Digest 10/4 (Fall 2005): 4-10.
“Thinking Biblically and the Pastoral Ministry” Reflections: A BRI Newsletter (October 2005), 2-4.
“Good News About the Judgment” Signs of the Times (August 2005), 18-20.
“¿Qué me espera en el Juicio?” El Centinela (August 2005), 12-14.
“Adventist Theology and Deep Time History: Are They Compatible? Ministry (May, 2005): 7-11.
“Entendemos Bien el Don de Lenguas?” El Centinela,(September, 2002), 8-10.
“Where is God? If God is all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful, how come bad things happen–and for so long? Adventist Review (May 30, 2002), 20-23.
“Porqué creo en el Creador,” El Centinela, October 2001, 8-10.
“Interview [on the notion of God],” Shabbat Shalom 46, no. 2 (1999): 7-12.
“Usted tiene un amigo,” El Centinela. (December, 1999), 7-9.
“Los sufrimientos de la cruz.” El Centinela. (March 1997), 6, 7.
“Construyamos sobre el fundamento de la Palabra,” Perspectivas (March, 1996), 1-3.
“Como nuestra visión del mundo impacta nuestra teología y nuestra misión” Revista Adventista (Winter, 1996), 8-9.
“The Importance of our Worldview,” Ministry (December 1995), 12-14.
“La obra del Espíritu Santo en la Salvación.” El Centinela. (July 1993): 6, 7.
“The Path of Scientific Truth Leads to God.” Liberty Magazine. (May/June 1993): 26-30.
Preface to El Sanctuario: VIII Simposio Bíblico Teológico, by Berit Olam: Revista de la Sociedad Unionista de Honor e Investigación Teológica. Lima: Sociedad Unionista de Honor e Investigación Teológica (SUHIT), 2011.
Preface to A Comparison of John Calvin and Alvin P lantinga’s Concept of Sensus Divinitatis: Phenomenology of the Sense of Divinity, by Aleksandar S. Santrac. Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2011.
“Preface” to Alberto Treiyer’s. The Apocaliptic Expectations of the Sanctuary. Benton Harbor, MI: Alberto Treiyer, 2008.
“Preface” to Kwabena Donkor’s Tradition, Method, and Contemporary Protestant Theology: An Analysis of Thomas C. Oden's Vincentian Method. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2003.
Review of The Craft of Theology: From Symbol to System, by Avery Dulles, Andrews University Seminary Studies Autumn 1994): 266-26.
Review of Systematic Theology, Vol I, by Wolfhart Pannenberg, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Spring-Summer, 1994): 146-147.
Review of Thomas Aquinas: An Evangelical Appraisal, by Norman L. Geisler, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Summer, 1993): 143-145.
Review of The Promise of Trinitarian Theology, by Colin Gunton, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Autumn 1992): 248-250.
Review of Reason and the Contours of Faith, by Richard Rice, Dialogue 3 (1992): 31
Review of Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers, by Alden Thompson, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Autumn 1991): 278-279.
Review of Metaphysics and the Idea of God, by Wolfhart Pannenberg, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Autumn 1991): 276-278.
Review of Christian Belief in a Postmodern World: the Full Wealth of Conviction, by Diogenes Allen, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Summer 1991): 165-166.
Review of Faith and Reason: Searching for a Rational Faith, by Ronald H. Nash, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Autumn 1989): 238-240.
Emeritus Professor of Theology & Philosophy
Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary.
Office: Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI 4104
Home: 8796 E. Bluffview Drive Berrien Springs, MI 49103
Phone: (269) 471-4394
Date of Birth: 9/15/45
Place of Birth: Argentina
Citizenship: USA
Marital Status: Married
Children: 2
GraNd Children: 5
Degree University
Licenciado en Filosofía Santa Fe Catholic University (Argentina) (1985)
Ph.D. in Religion Andrews University (1983)
M. Div. Equivalency Andrews University (1979)
Professor en Filosofía y Pedagogía River Plate College (Argentina) (1970)
Licenciado en Teología River Plate College (Argentina) (1966)
Position/Function Employer Dates
Emeritus Professor Andrews University 9/13- to date
Professor Andrews University 6/94 - 9/13
Asst Professor Andrews University 9/85 - 6/94
Professor River Plate Adventist College 6/83 - 8/85
Assoc Professor River Plate Adventist College 1/74 - 2/78
Instructor River Plate Adventist College 3/66 - 12/70
Position/Function Employer Dates
Pastor Central Argentine Conference 3/76 - 3/78
Pastor Uruguay Conference 3/72 - 12/73
Intern Uruguay Conference 1/71 - 2/71
Secular Adventism? Exploring the link between Lifestyle and Salvation. Lima: Universidad Peruana Unión, 2013.
Adventismo Secular? Cómo entender la relación entre estilo de vida y salvación. Lima: Universidad Peruana Unión, 2012.
O Princípio Cognitvo da Teologia Cristã: Um estudo hermenêutico sobre Revelação e Inspiração. Translated by Nuemar de Lima. São Paulo, Brazil: Unaspress, 2011.
Creación, Evolución y Teología: Una Introducción a Los Métodos Científico y Teológico. Translated by Claudia Blath. Libertador San Martín: Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, 2009.
Creation, Evolution and Theology; an Introduction to the Scientific and Theological Method. Libertador San Martín: Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, 2009.
Creation, Evolution, and Theology: The Role of Method in Theological Accommodation (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Lithotech, 2005).
Basic Elements of Christian Theology: Scripture Replacing Tradition (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Lithotech, 2005).
The Cognitive Principle of Christian Theology: A Hermeneutical Study of the Revelation and Inspiration of Scripture (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Lithotech, 2005).
Back to Revelation, Inspiration: Searching for the Cognitive Foundations of Christian Theology in a Postmodern World, (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2001).
A Criticism of Theological Reason: Time and Timelessness as Primordial Presuppositions, (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1987).
“The Mission and Message of the Remnant: A Methodological Approach.” In Message Mission and Unity of the Church, edited by Ángel Manuel Rordiguez (Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, 2013).
“A Biblical Epistemology for Adventist Scholarship?" In Christ in the Classroom, edited by Humberto Rasi. Silver Spring, MD: The Foundation for Adventist Education and The Institute for Christian Teaching of the Education Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2009.
“La doctrina de Dios.” In Teología: Fundamentos Bíblicos De Nuestra Fé, edited by Raoul Dederen. Translated by Tulio M. Peverini. Miami, FL: Asociación Publicadora Interamericana, 2005: 41-144 (not previously reported ).
“Revelation and Inspiration,” in Understanding Scripture: An Adventist Approach, edited by George W. Reid (Silver Spring, MD, 2005), 47-74.
"Hermenéutica, teología y remanente," in Pensar la iglesia hoy: Hacia una eclesiología adventista. Estudios teológicos presentados durante el IV Simposio Bííblico-Teológico Sudamericano en honor a Raoul Dederen (ed. Gerald A. Klingbeil, Martin G. Klingbeil and Miguel Angel Núñez; Libertador San Martín, Argentina: Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, 2002), 167-176.
“Doctrine of God,” in Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist Theology, ed. Raoul Dederen (Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 2000), 105-159.
“Hacia el fundamento teológico de la misión Cristiana,” in Misión de la Iglesia Adventista, by Werner Vyhmeister (Villa Libertador San Martin, Argentina: Editorial C.A.P., 1980): 182-210.
“The Emerging Church—Part 4: Levels of Change.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 23 no 2 (2013): 161-189.
“Principios de adoración y liturgia,” Evangelio, vol. 6 (2013): 21-45.
“De la visión al sistema: Terminando la tarea de la teología Adventista, Parte 1: Resumen histórico.” Theologika, vol 28, no 1 (2013): 48-119.
“Sola Scriptura and Hermeneutics: Toward a Critical Assessment of the Methodological Ground of the Protestant Reformation.” Andrews University Seminary Studies, vol 50, no. 2 (2012): 179-205
“Sola Scriptura y la Hermenéutica: ¿Son la Teología Evangélica y la Adventista Compatibles?” DavarLogos X, no. 1 (October 2011): 107-139.
“On Being the Emerging Remnant: The Claim.” Adventus no 21 (2011): 66-75.
“The Emerging Church—Part 3: Evangelical Evaluations.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 23 no 1 (2012): 44-73.
“The Eclipse of Scripture and the Protestantization of the Adventist Mind—Part 2: From the Evangelical Gospel to Culture.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 22, no. 1 (2011).
“The Emerging Church—Part 2: Epistemology, Theology, and Ministry.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 22 no 2 (2011): 67-105
“The Emerging Church—Part 1: Historical Background.”Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 22, no. 1 (2011).
“Epistemología Bíblica para la Investigación Adventista? Una Propuesta de Trabajo.” Apuntes Universitarios 1, no. 1 (2011): 119-141.
“Estilo de Vida y Salvación.” Theologika 26, no. 2 (2011): 200-249.
“¿Por Qué los Adventistas del Séptimo Día Están Adoptando los Estilos de Vida Seculares?” Theologika 26, no. 1 (2011): 84-136.
“Principles of Worship and Liturgy.” Perspective Digest 16, no. 1 (2011).
“The Eclipse of Scripture and the Protestantization of the Adventist Mind—Part I.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 21, nos. 1 & 2 (2010).
“Principles of Worship and Liturgy.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, vol. 20, nos. 1 & 2 (2009): 89-112.
“On the Future of Adventism: Reason or Debate,” Andrews University Seminary Studies, 46, no 2 (2008): 215-227.
“The Revelation and Inspiration of Scripture in Adventist Theology Part 1,” Andrews University Seminary Studies, 45 no 2 (2007): 195-219.
“Completando la Teología Adventista: El Proyecto Teológico Adventista y su Impacto en la Iglesia,” DavarLogos, 6 no 2 (2007): 127-141.
“Completando la Teología Adventista I: La Tarea Teológica en la Vida de la Iglesia Parte I” DavarLogos, 6 no. 1 (2007): 55-68.
“Absolute Theological Truth in Postmodern Times,” Andrews University Seminary Studies, 45 no.1 (2007): 87-100.
“From Vision to System: Finishing the Task of Adventist Theology Part III Sanctuary and Hermeneutics,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 17, no 2 (2006): 36-80.
“Deconstructing Evangelical Theology?” Andrews University Seminary Studies 44 no. 1 (2006): 95-130.
“From Vision to System: Finishing the Task of Adventist Biblical and Systematic Theologies–Part II,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 16, no 1-2 (2005): 114-142.
“The Quest for the Biblical Ontological Ground of Christian Theology,” Journal of The Adventist Theological Society 16, no 1-2 (2005): 1-20.
“Adventist Theology and Deep Time/Evolutionary Theory: Are they Compatible?,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 15, no. 2 (2005): 93-103.
“From Vision to System: Finishing the Task of Adventist Theology Part I: Historical Review” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 15, no. 2 (2005): 5-39.
"Evangelical Theology and Open Theism: Toward a Biblical Understanding of the Macro Hermeneutical Principles of Theology?” Enfoques XVI (1):47-70. Peer reviewed and reprinted by permission of JATS.
“Evolution, Theology and Method, Part 3: Evolution and Adventist Theology.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 42, no. 1 (2004):5-48.
“Evolution, Theology, and Method Part 2: Scientific Method and Evolution,” Andrews University Seminary Studies 41, no. 2 (2003): 65-100.
“Evolution, Theology, and Method Part 1: Outline and Limits of Scientific Methodology,” Andrews University Seminary Studies 41, no. 1 (2003): 65-100.
“Escatología, teología y el destino del adventismo,” Perspectivas Teológicas 2, no. 1 (2002), 76-90.
“Deconstrucción y Teología: Una Propuesta Metodológica,” DavarLogos 1, no 1 (2002), 3-26.
“Theological Worldview and its impact on the SDA Church,” Issues in Theology and Spiritual Leadership 3 (2001): 41-65.
“Is There Room for Systematics in Adventist Theology,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 12, no. 2 (Fall 2001), 110-131.
“Evangelical Theology and Open Theism: Toward a Biblical Understanding of the Macro Hermeneutical Principles of Theology,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 12, no 2 (Fall 2001), 16-34.
“Interpretando ideas expresadas en textos: El método filosófico de investigación en las ciencias humanas,” Enfoques 12, no. 2 (2000): 83-114.
“Interdisciplinary Method in Christian Theology? In Search of a Working Proposal.” Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 43, no.4 (Fall 2001), 366-389.
“La cosmovisión teológica y su influencia sobre la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día,” Enfoques XI, 1-2 (1999): 101-122.
“Método filosófico de Investigación: descripción y principios,” Logos 10, April (1999): 18-31.
“Paradigm, System and Theological Pluralism,” Evangelical Quarterly 70, no. 3 (1998): 195-218.
“Philosophical Foundations and the Biblical Sanctuary,” Andrews University Seminary Studies 36, no. 2 (1998): 183-206.
“Revelation and Inspiration: The Historical Cognitive Model.” Andrews University Seminary Studies. 33 (Spring 1995): 5-38.
“Revelation and Inspiration: The Liberal Model.” Andrews University Seminary Studies. 32 (Autumn 1994): 169-195.
“Revelation and Inspiration: The Classical Model.” Andrews University Seminary Studies. 32 (Spring-Summer 1994): 7-28.
“Revelation and Inspiration: Method for a New Approach.” Andrews University Seminary Studies. 31 (Autumn 1993): 171-194.
“Revelation and Inspiration: The Ground for a New Approach.” Andrews University Seminary Studies. 31 (Summer 1993): 91-104.
“Secularización e Historia de la Cristiandad.” (“Secularization and the History of Christianity.”) Enfoques. 5 (1993): 11-18.
“End Time and Salvation,” Perspective Digest 18, no 3 (2013).
“¿Cómo y cuándo ocurriá el regreso de Jesús? El Centinela, (Junio 2013): 18-20.
“Seguridad de la salvación y ministerio,” in Con afán de servir: Reflexiones de líderes para líderes, ed. by Miguel Ángel Nuñez (Lima, Universidad Peruana Unión, 2011).
“The Emerging Church.” Perspective Digest 17, no. 2 (2012).
“Una Fede Dinamica.” Il Messaggero Avventista, (June 2012): 21-23
“¿Quién era Cristo?” El Centinela, Abril 2012, 22-24.
“Principios de Adoración.” Revista SAIT 1, no. 1 (October 2011): 1-19.
“Apocalipsis: Terremotos, maremotos, guerras, crisis . . . ¿Será que se acerca el fin?” El Centinela, August 2011, 22-24.
“Die neue Ӧkumene: Wesen, Wurzeln und Ziele der‚ Emerging Church‘-Bewegung.” BWgung, January/February 2011, 7-11.
“The Emerging Church: A Report to the Remnant.” Adventist Pastor Online, August 2010.
“The Emerging Church: What Does it Mean? And Why Should We Care?” Adventist Review, June 10, 2010, 16-19.
“Eschatology and Salvation.” Adventist Pastor Online, January 2010.
“Is Adventist Theology Compatible with Evolutionary Theory?” Adventists Affirm, vol. 24, no. 1 (2010): 33-39.
“Las Raices de la Violencia.” El Centinela, September 2010, 5-6.
“Salvação por inteiro” Ministério (November-December, 2009), 17-20.
“Holiness and Ministry” Ministry (May, 2009), 12-14.
“Avaricia.” El Centinela (January 2009).
“Holiness and Ministry” The Adventist Pastor On Line (August, 2008).
“Babylon: Yesterday and Today” Signs of the Times (June 2006), 22-25.
“Babilonia: Ayer y Hoy” El Centinela (Junio 2006), 10-13.
“Is Adventist Theology Compatible with Evolutionary Theory: Can Adventism harmonize biblical creation to deep time evolution without changing its essence?” Perspective Digest 10/4 (Fall 2005): 4-10.
“Thinking Biblically and the Pastoral Ministry” Reflections: A BRI Newsletter (October 2005), 2-4.
“Good News About the Judgment” Signs of the Times (August 2005), 18-20.
“¿Qué me espera en el Juicio?” El Centinela (August 2005), 12-14.
“Adventist Theology and Deep Time History: Are They Compatible? Ministry (May, 2005): 7-11.
“Entendemos Bien el Don de Lenguas?” El Centinela,(September, 2002), 8-10.
“Where is God? If God is all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful, how come bad things happen–and for so long? Adventist Review (May 30, 2002), 20-23.
“Porqué creo en el Creador,” El Centinela, October 2001, 8-10.
“Interview [on the notion of God],” Shabbat Shalom 46, no. 2 (1999): 7-12.
“Usted tiene un amigo,” El Centinela. (December, 1999), 7-9.
“Los sufrimientos de la cruz.” El Centinela. (March 1997), 6, 7.
“Construyamos sobre el fundamento de la Palabra,” Perspectivas (March, 1996), 1-3.
“Como nuestra visión del mundo impacta nuestra teología y nuestra misión” Revista Adventista (Winter, 1996), 8-9.
“The Importance of our Worldview,” Ministry (December 1995), 12-14.
“La obra del Espíritu Santo en la Salvación.” El Centinela. (July 1993): 6, 7.
“The Path of Scientific Truth Leads to God.” Liberty Magazine. (May/June 1993): 26-30.
Preface to El Sanctuario: VIII Simposio Bíblico Teológico, by Berit Olam: Revista de la Sociedad Unionista de Honor e Investigación Teológica. Lima: Sociedad Unionista de Honor e Investigación Teológica (SUHIT), 2011.
Preface to A Comparison of John Calvin and Alvin P lantinga’s Concept of Sensus Divinitatis: Phenomenology of the Sense of Divinity, by Aleksandar S. Santrac. Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2011.
“Preface” to Alberto Treiyer’s. The Apocaliptic Expectations of the Sanctuary. Benton Harbor, MI: Alberto Treiyer, 2008.
“Preface” to Kwabena Donkor’s Tradition, Method, and Contemporary Protestant Theology: An Analysis of Thomas C. Oden's Vincentian Method. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2003.
Review of The Craft of Theology: From Symbol to System, by Avery Dulles, Andrews University Seminary Studies Autumn 1994): 266-26.
Review of Systematic Theology, Vol I, by Wolfhart Pannenberg, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Spring-Summer, 1994): 146-147.
Review of Thomas Aquinas: An Evangelical Appraisal, by Norman L. Geisler, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Summer, 1993): 143-145.
Review of The Promise of Trinitarian Theology, by Colin Gunton, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Autumn 1992): 248-250.
Review of Reason and the Contours of Faith, by Richard Rice, Dialogue 3 (1992): 31
Review of Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers, by Alden Thompson, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Autumn 1991): 278-279.
Review of Metaphysics and the Idea of God, by Wolfhart Pannenberg, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Autumn 1991): 276-278.
Review of Christian Belief in a Postmodern World: the Full Wealth of Conviction, by Diogenes Allen, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Summer 1991): 165-166.
Review of Faith and Reason: Searching for a Rational Faith, by Ronald H. Nash, Andrews University Seminary Studies (Autumn 1989): 238-240.